A multimeter, also known as multitester, VOM, DMM, DVOM is an electronic measuring equipment that can measure various electronic and electrical functions.
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Multimeters in sri lanka can measure voltage, current, and resistance. There are two types of multimeters, analog and digital. Analog multimeters use a moving pointer to display readings. Digital multimeters have a numeric display ans sometimes have graphical user interface to disply bars and graphs over time. The lowest load commonly available in multimeter is 50 μA. Multimeters in sri lanka can funstion as a DC voltmeter, AC voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter. DC voltage is measured using resistors. Moving coil inside multimeters respond to measure alternating current. Digital multimeters display "display counts". Display counts shows the largest number the meter can achive. For example, 5 1⁄2-digit multimeter can also be specified as a 199999. The accuracy of a digital multimeter is expressed by two methords, "±1% of reading +2 counts. Analog multimeters are preferred by many engineers and professionals in sri lanka over digital. One of the reasons is that analog multimeters are very sensitive to changes in the testing circuit. Digital multimeters check the circuit for many rounds and display an average number, analog meters shows reading fluctions in realtime. Analog meters realtime display of circuit status is important when testing capacitors and coils. For example when testing coils, the coil allow current to flow when voltage is applied, then the current slowly increases. Precision of resistance measured with a analog multimeters in sri lanka is sometimes low due to lower resistance scale. The functions of a multimeter is similar to analog testers. Basic testers measure voltage, amperage, and resistance. Multimeter functions are checking, AC (alternating current) voltage and amperage, DC (direct current) voltage and amperage, Resistance (ohms), Capacity (farads), Conductance (siemens), Decibels, Duty cycle , Frequency (Hz), Inductance (henrys), Temperature Celsius or Fahrenheit. Common rutiens for using multimeters are : Keeping your fingers on the plastic parts to avoid tempering with the readings. Make sure the correct colored brobe is plug in to the correct colored socket to avoid dc testing mixups. If you are not an electrustion or do not know how things operate, always work with systems that are switched off. In an extream case any type of testing equipments including multimeters can caught on fire or create flashes, wear safety glasses or safty equipments if you are working with AC or higher current. Make sure to read the entire multimeter manual to get an idea of what the multimeter is actually capable of. If any equipment gets heat up during testing, please stop what you are doing, switch off devices and seak professional electrictions help. Universal Multimeter Test Lead in sri lanka are available in wide rage. Multimeter probes made with silicon wires are highly durable and easy to grip. Multimeter probe sets are compatible with wide range of multimeters and clamp meters The industry standard for needle probe is 4mm connectors. Most high quality Test Leads in sri lanka are calibrated for conductivity during manufacturing. Kumarasinghe Radio carries wide range of best multimeter test leads available for retail and wholesale in our shops in pettah and online store.